Explanation: One of the great themes presented in "The bet" is greed and how it leads to terrible and very harmful situations for people. In other words, the text shows that greed is harmful and does not promote the progress of human beings, in addition to leading to very
Michelle Obama didn't want to become a lawyer. In the book, it tells us that she was frustrated of being misunderstood of being pegged as an "angry black woman."
In the book she tells us about her success and discomfort.
The elephant is biggest land animal.
That’s too much brooooooo
Although Mrs. Mallard's hear trouble appears to refer only to a physical condition, her true trouble is that, despite the fact that she is married to a good man, she is unhappy because she does not feel free. In this sense, it is symbolic of the unease that this lack of independence brings her. Also, the mention of her heart condiion at the beinning ofthe paragraph anticipates her eventual death. At first, the reader might think that it is the news of her husband's death that will cause Mrs. Mallard's own decease, but what triggers her heart attack is the revelation that the news were false, and that she has lost all the freedom that she had just begun to envision.