E da je tebe razumiti dobro
Koji je ovo jezik uopce ja nista nekontam ovo sta si ti napisi
Moga si na eng napisat a ne tu neki koji je to ruski koji vec
(Gao Chong/ Da Xue) Er nian ji (xue) sheng
Cuántos años tiene usted?
hope this helps!!
Pocket Compass, Thermometers, Cheap portable Microscope, etc
Yes, it is.
Sanskrit is a classical Indian language, used as a liturgical language of Hinduism, and in works of philosophy and literature. The significance of Sanskrit in Indian culture can be compared to Latin in Christian Europe. Although both languages are considered dead, religious, scientific texts, and fiction have survived to this day. True, unlike Latin, Sanskrit was practically never a colloquial, native language, but rather a higher culture, Brahmin. The opposite of Sanskrit was the colloquial Indian languages called prakritai.