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A cladogram is a diagram used to represent a hypothetical relationship between groups of animals, called a phylogeny.
In this set of examples the answer is:
D) The lamprey does not have a vertical column
Lampreys have a notochord that remains throughout life, but they have primitive vertebrae made of cartilage. Lampreys have vertebral arches, but nothing resembling the vertebral bodies found in all higher vertebrates. Even the arches are discontinuous, consisting of separate pieces of arch-shaped cartilage around the spinal cord in most parts of the body, changing to long strips of cartilage above and below in the tail region.
Allopatric speciation, also referred to as geographic speciation, is a method of the formation of new species due to isolation of the species from one another through geographic means.
The first step in this process is geographic isolation, which means that the original population is divided into two groups due to geographical reasons such as movement of continents or formation of water bodies.
Next, the species are subjected to different selection pressures due to their different environments. Eventually, the gene pool becomes very different for the two species due to the different selection pressures and because they are not allowed to mix.
Finally, after enough time passes, speciation occurs, which means that the two populations cannot breed to form fertile offspring.
I believe that on the Naive B-cell the antibodies exist as transmembrane proteins. A naive b-cell is a type of b-cell that has not been exposed to an antigen. When exposed it becomes either a memory B cell or a plasma cell that secrete antibodies specific to the antigen that was originally bound.
Axons(long) TRANSMIT impulses, dendrites(short) RECEIVE the impulse.