As algas são organismos que anteriormente eram incluídos no Reino Plantae, porém atualmente pertencem ao Reino Protista, sendo a Ficologia (fico = algas; logia = estudo) o ramo da biologia que estuda esses seres: unicelular ou multicelular (filamentosas), eucariontes, fotossintetizantes e viventes em ambientes de água doce (rios, lagos ou superfícies úmidas) ou salgada (mares e oceanos).
Esses organismos autotróficos, dispostos na superfície oceânica (compondo o fitoplâncton), consomem o gás oxigênio dissolvido na água para a sua respiração e liberam através do processo fotossintético cerca de 70 a 90% do oxigênio contido na atmosfera. Recebendo, portanto, a denominação de pulmão do mundo, diferente do que muitos pensam que seja a Floresta Amazônica.
A reprodução assexuada pode ser tanto por divisão binária, isso nas unicelulares, onde a célula se divide ao meio; quanto por fragmentação, mecanismo de cisão de um segmento no talo nas algas multicelulares. Contudo, algumas espécies multicelulares reproduzem por zoosporia, utilizando-se de células flageladas que se desprendem do talo, locomovendo-se até um local favorável para o desenvolvimento.
sorry im not fluent in brazilian
this should give you an idea for your answer
b. Regulate the diet of the affected persons to severely limit the uptake of the amino acid.
<u>This is the effective way of managing PKU, if diet is not regulated, the blood plasma Phenylketonuria levels continue to build up from usual protein consumption. This leads to toxicity of the brain and brain dysfunctions. Nausea constipation, fatigues, health headaches are some of the results of the build up</u>.
Therefore to reduce the blood build up of phenylalanine and thus PKU; Special diet formulas rich in essential amino acids, and other needed nutrients which may be absent in phenylalanine low diet should be adopted. Amino acids substitutes notably Tyrosine which is lacking from failure of phenyalanine breakdown in phenylketouria is heavily supplemented. Tyrosine is important in brain function for alertness, focus,nervous communication.
The adoption of protein substitutes diet or regulated amino acid diet is very important because , all the needed amino acid are available , thus protein catabolisms which may trigger phenylalanine build up from muscles and liver storage withdrawal is prevented thus stabilizing its blood concentration.
This climate is warm.
The animals in the tundra are strong to live in such an environment.
I don't know what the rest of that stuff is sorry.
C. Cnidarian tentacles have stinging cells, but Bryozoan tentacles are covered with cilia.
Cnidaria and Bryozoan, both teh phylum are classified under kingdom Animalia that contain aquatic animals found both in freshwater and marine environments.
They both use tentacles for feeding but there is diffference between there tentacles and feeding process.
Cnidarians tentacles are conist of stinging cells in the tips, which are called cnidocytes and a coiled thread-like stinger, called nematocyst. These stinging cells and nematocyst helps to capture and subdue prey. They feed over plankton or animals larger then them.
Bryozoan tentacles are covered with cilia and form an "O" or "U" shaped fold called lophophore, which helps to feed by sweeping the surrounding water. They generally feed on plankton, nudibranchs (sea slugs) and sea spiders.
Hence, the correct option is C.
They are alike cause you need them to build upon like bricks.