The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments<span> to this </span>Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposingamendments<span>, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes</span>
Answer: Washington was not in favor of political parties. He wanted it to be about the best candidatewinning rather than it being about two parties preventing all other parties from having a chance atbeing elected.Washington felt that political parties would be the down fall of our country. Hewrote a letter to the nation warning the people of the danger of political parties, and how theywould turn the government from a group of people interested in their nation's future to a powerhungry professional politicians
Cultural capital concerns certain types of skills that are developed by children, these skills are passed from parents to children, usually parents of the social middle class. Reading skills, watching documentaries, playing classical instruments. These children have better academic development than others.
People with cultural capital skills always get people's attention, stand out, unlike those who don't, who aren't seen as capable by society.
During the 18th-century, the Nawabs of Bengal were among the wealthiest rulers in the world. The Nawabs of Bengal oversaw a period of proto-industrialization.