A perfectly elastic demand curve means that the firm can sell as much output as it chooses at the current price.
The perfectly elastic demand implies that the demand curve is horizontal line parallel to the X axis. The price is fixed at a point and the firm can sell any amount of output at this point. The demand is infinite at the given price level. If the firm makes any changes in this price level, the demand will become zero.
No Decision have been made
Problem focused
A stressor is factor the causes strain or tension for the individual that is experiencing it.
There are different strategies that is used to solve stressful situations: avoidance, emotion-focused, problem-focused, withdrawal.
The problem focused strategy involves efforts aimed at removing or reducing the cause of a stressor.
In the given scenario Jason has financial hardship that results from less need from his services.
He focused on the solving the cause of the problem by contacting the other publishers and accepting additional projects to compensate for the lost income.
Answer: Kathleen
English Rule is that it does not matter about anyone else in the case. So long as John owes money to Kathleen, then Kathleen is the one who can claim the money.
c. believe in the use of fiscal policy to stabilize the economy.
According to Keynesian theory, the sum of some micro-economic behaviors of all individuals and businesses results in inefficiency and the economy operates at a level below its potential output and growth. When total demand for products is insufficient, the economy enters a crisis and unnecessary unemployment arises due to defensive behavior of the producers. In such cases, the government may pursue policies to increase aggregate demand, and as a result may accelerate economic activities and reduce unemployment. Most Keynesian propose policies to stabilize the business cycle. For example, when the unemployment level is too high, the state can pursue a growth-oriented monetary policy. , one of the most famous of his critiques, Keynes argues and did not agree with "The Laissez-faire" that he opined the doctrines of laissez-faire are dependent on some extent on a case-by-case basis.