It shows the number of times SLA
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), Protocol (TCP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP), Domain Name System (DNS), or UDP echo operations
did not manage to reach the web server.
There are two ways to print 1 to 1000
- Using Loops.
- Using Recursion.
Using loops
for(int i=1;i<=1000;i++)
cout<<i<<" ";
Using recursion
Remember you can implement recursion using a function only.
void print(int n)
cout<<n<<" "';
you should pass 1000 as an argument to the function print.
Answer: Phishing
Phishing is a form of identity theft involving phony email messages asking customers to update credit, debit, cards, accounts passwords, and all whole of personal information. It is still one of the relevant form of identity theft whereby personal information is taken away in form of electronic communication or messages.
One example could be when a person receives a mail from and ask him/her to click on a page. upon clicking on it the person will be redirected to another page. in that page several details would be there such as username and password, bank account details. So once all these details are entered in the web page all our personnel information will leaked into the servers of the hackers and could lead to serious troubles. Sometimes phishing is also in form of fake social networking website which resembles exactly to that of the original one.
So Phishing is a for of identity theft.
<span>d. select information is sent to the search engines database to be indexed. </span>
The contains criteria filter requires the records displayed to have the specified text string anywhere. Thecontains operator is used to perform case-sensitive matching regardless of location in strings.
The begins with criteria filter on the other hand requires the records displayed to start with the specified text string