set it up as a dimensional analysis equations and cross off the units to get what you need which is mLs. After you put in the right ratios, you simply multiply everything on top across then divide it all by the bottom
Note: for every 1000mcg = 1mg (equivalence), same goes for 1000mg =1g, is the same bc of the distance between 2 units like kilograms to g but w/in kg there is 1 kg = 1000g
i think everyone goes through this , and i'm not a therapist but from someone's point of view who has seen it and experienced it , as hard as it may sound ... cut that person out. and if you're thinking about harming yourself , please speak to someone and/or call a hotline. :) you matter
and you got this okay. it took me a while to learn to be okay with myself but 5 years from now , the people you speak to now prob aren't going to be in your life , so why are you stressing over it ? cut them off and move on w your life. delete social media , disappear for a while and get yourself together , it will help , i promise !!
I think it’s the first one last one and 3ed one
But I don’t really know
when raisin is put into sugar it shrinks and wilts due to the phenomenon of exosmosis
Answer: di mana kehidupan tertentu hidup misalnya Ikan yang tinggal di lautan Jadi pada dasarnya ia membuat beberapa kehidupan yang berbeza membentuk orang lain
Translation for anyone who wants to know: its where certain life lives for example A fish living in a ocean So basically it makes some life different form others