C.) The early church, led by the apostles
Jefferson was initially very enthusiastic about the French Revolution and was living in Paris serving as the US minister to France when it began. His friend from the American Revolution, the Marquis de Lafayette, was equally eager to bring representative democracy to France.
Because his research was focused on the analysis of the social relationship between individuals in modern life and amidst all the constantly changing factors that society was experiencing.
Microsociology is the strand of sociology that seeks to understand the relationships between individuals that make up a society, in relation to the beliefs, values, feelings and behaviors that each individual has. Georg Simmel was a strong scholar of this, but he turned his studies to the analysis of modern life and the factors that modernity imposes on society. For this reason, he can be considered a micro-sociologist.
We can use as an example of something that would attract the attention of Georg Simmel for his studies, a society in which social agents act due to the economy, changing the relationship of society in relation to economic status and thus, generating malefic or beneficial consequences.