B. limiting families to only one child
Migration, whether internal or international, has always been one of the forces driving the growth of urbanization and bringing opportunities and challenges to cities, migrants and governments. Increasingly, municipal authorities are becoming recognized as key actors in managing migration and have started including migration in their urban planning and implementation.
For cities to better manage migration, data on migration and urbanization are essential. However, these data are not always available or – if available – not used or accessible at the urban level, nor disaggregated, comprehensive or comparable, particularly in low-income countries.
It matters not just what information is collected but also what inferences and predictions are made based upon it. Personal data is used by algorithms to make incredibly important decisions, like whether someone should maintain their health care benefits, or be released on bail.
The Prime Meridian marks zero degrees longitude. Without it, the other degrees of longitude cannot be measured.
Answer: In my region the materials we take from the geosphere are use for farming, objects, and oxygen.