topographic map
topographic map is the study of natural features like rivers , lakes and streams and also show the shape and elevation of the earth surface
This passage we can say is a direct response the critique of indulgences raised by the Protestant reform.
In other words this could be a direct answer to Martin Luther and his 95 thesis, in which the selling of the indulgences, that is the forgiveness of sins in exchange of money, was the main issue. The Church states that the Christ himself gave the right to them to sell the indulgences and that that is the time-honored tradition.
Antony says that he should not, for then they would be touched by Caesars love for them. They implore him to read it. He replies that he has been speaking too long he wrongs the honorable men who have let him address the crowd. The plebeians call the conspirators traitors and demand they Antony read the will.
In order for Luke to write his Gospel, he had to go to another sources, since we wasn't himself an apostle (one of the twelve first followers of Jesus Christ)
To tihs day, there is a lot of controversy as of Luke's sources and even his identity. One of the few things we know for sure is he took writings from apostles Mark and Mathew. From the list of responses, we can also pick the name Paul, since Luke is named in the bible "a companion of Paul"
I think that Supreme Court rulings can have impacts on civil liberties and civil rights. Rulings on cases that involve the 1st and 14th amendments would impact civil liberties and civil rights. Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier and Tinker v. Des Moines are examples of Supreme Court rulings that impacted civil liberties. Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education are examples of Supreme Court rulings that impacted civil rights.