Wilkes photography style is solely focused on time lapse. His pictures from morning to night show the cycle of a day at a place in one image.
We cannot help you with the second problem , as we do not know what you learned in Unit 10.
Page Layout explains how the document pages are going to look like after printing. When we check the layout in Word, then we can see that the page layout covers the elements like margins, number of columns, option for editing the header and footers. Various types of layouts are like a magazine layout, static, adaptive, dynamic, and adaptive as well as responsive layout.
And these page layout techniques are being implemented for customizing the magazine appearance, books, newspapers, websites, and various other sorts of publications. And such page layout covers page's all elements. Some of the best page layout software are:
Microsoft Publishers
Adobe InDesign
Download the free student version of Microsoft Office today, and explore Microsoft publisher to know more about it.
Please check the answer.
Well, you need to partition your hard drive. Partitioning your hard drive designates usable space on your hdd.
And you need to format your hard drive. Formatting installs a file system on to your hard drive, it allows the operating system to read, write and overall understand the data stored on the disk. Without it, an OS cannot keep track of file locations, nor can it typically identify already used sectors (space) on a hdd.
However, neither of these two concepts are tests.
Researches at symantec have uncovered a version of the stuxnet computer virus that was used to attack irans nuclear program in November.
Following code will store the largest value in array parkingTickets in the variable mostTickets
mostTickets = parkingTickets[0];
for(int k = 0; k<parkingTickets.length; k++)
mostTickets = parkingTickets[i];
In the above code segment, initially the number of tickets at first index is assumed as largest value of tickets in array.
Then using a for loop each value in the array parkingTickets is compared with the current mostTickets value.
If the compared value in parkingTickets array is larger than the current mostTickets value. Then that value is assigned to mostTickets.
This process is repeated for all elements in array.
Thus after looping through each element of array the largest value in array will get stored in mostTickets variable.