The best scenario is when a program suffers from frequent
page faults. In the situations when a kernel thread experiences a page fault,
another kernel thread can be switched in; something a single-threaded process
will not be capable of doing. Another best circumstance is when a program has
to wait for other systems events.
-Software architecture isn't about big design up front;
-Every software team needs to consider software architecture;
-The software architecture role is about coding, coaching and collaboration;
-You don't need to use UML;
-A good software architecture enables agility.</span>
C because I said so hahahah
The buttons depend on what version of MS
Office he is using. Assuming Eric is using Powerpoint 2013, he must press the following:
1st Slide: Insert > New Slide >
Title Only
2nd Slide: Insert > New Slide > Comparison > Click on "Pictures" icon > Browse > Click selected picture > Insert > Delete text box saying "Click to add title" > Insert another picture using same procedures above > Add captions
3rd slide: Insert > New Slide > Two
Content > <span>Click on "Picture" icon > Browse > Click selected picture > Insert 3 more pictures > Click textbox "Click to add title" </span>
Component(CompID, CompName, Description) PK=CompID
Product(ProdID, ProdName, QtyOnHand) PK=ProdID
Supplier(SuppID, SuppName) PK = SuppID
CompSupp(CompID, SuppID) PK = CompID, SuppID
Build(CompID, ProdID, QtyOfComp) PK= CompID, ProdID
details of the answer is attached