How members of the lower house of Congress should be elected. -What should be done about the slave trade. -How the power of the executive branch be structured. -How the Constitution should be considered for ratification. -How the states should be represented in national legislature. -the national governments role in issuing paper money. -division of national and state powers. -extent of veto power. -which governmental body should have the power to declare war. -if slaves should be counted in determining representation in national legislature
Hope this helps
<span>the equilibrium point. In general, for any good, it is at this point that quantity supplied equals quantity demanded at a set price.</span><span>
See below.
a) We can conclude that that lack state income taxes and the taxes are not distributed equally around the USA since on Texas state we have a very low tax rate compared iwth the other states.
b) We have that some states in America do not have a considerable state income tax, for example in Texas and Nevada.
c) The taxes for the Texas state is lower compared with the others because the sate promote that companies invest on this special locations in order to generate work and business at the country.