both of the above are undermine the private sector.
Stores can make sure their employees are being incentivized when what they do benefits the customer and the store as a whole. Their main goal is to serve the customer because a happy customer comes back and refers their fiends. The employees can be rewarded on referral base actions, feedback cards and other ways that show management they are being honest and truthful to the customer.
These firms do not have perfect market information to know all the price charges by different sellers,the quality the market demand and supply is etc.
if YTM at 4% price : $2,902.1237
if YTM at 8% price : $1,788.0448
The bonds are above face value asthey offer a higher coupon payment than the market yield therefore the bond holders are willing to pay above theri face value
the market price of the bond will be the present value of coupo payment and maturity:
C 150.000
time 30
rate 0.04
PV $2,593.8050
Maturity 1,000.00
time 30.00
rate 0.04
PV 308.32
PV c $2,593.8050
PV m $308.3187
Total $2,902.1237
No we repeat the process with the yield at 8%
C 150.000
time 30
rate 0.08
PV $1,688.6675
Maturity 1,000.00
time 30.00
rate 0.08
PV 99.38
PV c $1,688.6675
PV m $99.3773
Total $1,788.0448
The best suggestion to give to Frank when he asked about
what could be done with the data that is being generated is that the data may
be of good use when the social media are being used in having to find out the
customer’s recommendations and the ones that they are buying in which could be
the common interest of buyers.