Winter pemmican, berry pemmican and dried buffalo meat are some of the food products made from buffalo that fed the Native Americans through the winter.
Native Americans were mostly into agricultural activities. Through out the winters, they would feed on the supply they had grown and stored. Irrespective of their agricultural activities, they were heavy meat-eaters. They ate meat of deer, buffalo, elk, turkeys and other kinds of birds, some sea food which would also include whales at times.
Buffaloes were one of the most important resource for the Native Americans. The animal was a source for food, clothing, weapons and tools. As for the food supply in winters, the people stored and preserved various body parts of the buffalo in parfleches, also known as hide containers.
From the late 15th century to the early 19th, Spain controlled a huge overseas territory in the New World, the Asian archipelago of the Philippines, what they called "The Indies" (Spanish: Las Indias) and territories in Europe (centring on the so-called Spanish Road), Africa and Oceania.
D) The rise of Jim Crow laws in the South.
By the beginning 1870s, sharecropping was the procedure adopted which was recognized to control cultivation beyond the South-land which was cotton-planting areas.
Under this system, black population groups will be permitted to utilize small plots of land, or employment, to work themselves in recovery, they would give a portion of their harvest to the landowner after the year.
Use the objects you have around you, if that doesn't work, use pure strength and numbers to do the job.
French had different motivations to be critical since they appreciated certain benefits that the peasants couldn't dream of. In spite of the fact that they were the wealthiest bequests, they didn't need to pay any expenses whatsoever. They were the main ones who could hold vital positions, for example, Officers in the armed force. Nobles controlled peasants. Also, they were not compelled to do military administration. They didn't need to pay most duties and gathered tolls from individuals utilizing streets and markets. Numerous nobles and clergy lived in awesome extravagance in chateaux and castles.