Morning of course, because it says “Have a great day.”
The correct answer is B. It makes the story feel like it is happening live rather than in the past
In literature, the tense used in a narrative affect the atmosphere of it and the perception the audience has on events. In the case presented an excerpt for The War of the Worlds has been adapted for radio and in this process, the tense has changed from past to present tense. In both cases, one character who is also the narrator describes the way he or she observed an object or creature that resembled a snake.
However, in the case of the original excerpt the use of past shows this event already occurred and the character is just reporting them, while in the case of the second excerpt the use of present means the character is experiencing the events at that moment or that the story is happening which makes the actions go faster but also makes the story more dynamic and alive. Considering this, it can be concluded the effect of changing the tense to present is that it makes the story feel like it is happening live rather than in the past.
The character of Editha is a foil, developed to portray the fickleness of the arguments that support war.
The author ironically reveals how Editha repeats the passages from newspapers and magazines supporting the need to go to war. But the author takes a step further to give us a view of Editha’s perception when she says, "But now it doesn't matter about the how or why. Since the war has come, all that is gone. There are no two sides any more. There is nothing now but our country."
Finally, toward the end of the story, Mrs. Gearson sarcastically says, "No, you didn't expect him to get killed," a commentary by the author to show the ignorance of people who idealize war.
Monsters and heroes is a fiction which is about the history and journey of a hero and is very famous and well known.
Monster and heroes is a fiction which consists of parts in it and all the parts are very famous and well known. All the parts mostly talk about the journey of a hero of the fiction. This is the central idea of the story.
Joseph Campbell's work with Mono myth is absolutely the most notable. In his book, "The Hero with a Thousand Faces", he maps out the essential account example of pretty much every story out there and really comes it down into seventeen phases in three stages. Others have made comparable examples or further consolidated Campbell's into twelve or so steps, however Campbell's work is commonly viewed as the most huge.