Answer: 3quatrains and 1 couplet.
Unlike the petrachan sonnet, the English is divided into four subgroups...that is, three quatrains. (A four line stanza) and 1 couplet (a two line stanza)
Stop messing with me!!! Jesus
I would say that
It seems that the BJP government’s decision to illegalise the sale of cattle for slaughter at animal markets has its roots in a PIL that quotes the five-yearly Gadhimai festival in Nepal, where thousands of buffaloes are taken from India to be sacrificed to ‘appease’ Gadhimai, the goddess of power.
The contradictions that emerge from cattle – here encompassing all bovines – slaughter rules in Nepal perplex many: despite being predominantly Hindu, animal sacrifice continues to be practised. Cow slaughter is explicitly prohibited even in Nepal’s new constitution since it is the national animal, yet the ritual sacrifice of buffaloes and the consumption of their meat is not frowned upon. There is also, in marked contrast to the Indian government’s blanket approach to cattle terminology, a lucid distinction between cows (both the male and female) and other ‘cattle’ species (such as buffaloes and yaks).
The emergence of this contradictory, often paradoxical, approach to cattle slaughter in Nepal is the result of a careful balancing act by the rulers of modern Nepal. The Shah dynasty and the Rana prime ministers often found themselves at a crossroads to explicitly define the rules of cattle slaughter. As rulers of a perceived ‘asal Hindu-sthan’, their dharma bound them to protect the cow – the House of Gorkha borrows its name from the Sanskrit ‘gou-raksha’ – but as they expanded into an empire, their stringent Brahminic rules came into conflict with des-dharma, or existing local customs, where cattle-killing was a norm. What followed was an intentionally ambiguous approach to cattle slaughter, an exercise in social realpolitik.
Answer as follows
a.1 Setup pointers for review, allot time for each more like making a schedule.
a.2 Work on the easiest part to review (this is to make sure you can perfect the easy questions)
a.3 Work on reviewing the hardest last (most exams have easy and hard parts, hard parts may also need the basics so it is correct to review the easier topics a.2)
a.4 Get enough rest.
b.1 Know the theme of the event
b.2 Know the participant of the event
b.3 Compute for the cost, and budget the expenses.
b.4 Canvass for the place, canvas if better of getting an event organizer to save cost or DYI.
c.1 Before going to sleep, fix your things needed for work (bags, tools, laptop clothes. etc. )
c.2 Prepare a breakfast meal on your head rather than think what to cook for breakfast, Cooking is faster when you've planned it
c.3 Set up your alarm and get to bed early.
d.1 Plan what part to clean. It is very inefficient to clean the house in one go.
d.2 Plan the tools needed to clean
d.3 Be sure to throw out not hoard things which is no longer needed.
e.1 Watch videos online on techniques how to build a snowman
e.2 Most videos available will show advanced techniques be sure to get basic ideas only.
e.3 Prepare the materials beforehand.
e.4 Make the snowman in parts and assemble by starting of with the base. The base needs to be sturdy enough to support the weight of the whole structure.
f.1 List out the basic necessities from less needed items
f.2 Always include savings in the budget.