An embryo is termed as fetus beginning in the 11th week of pregnancy,which will be the 9th week of development after fertilization of the egg. This embryo is 'termed' , they are not same.
Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet’s overall temperature. Though this warming trend has been going on for a long time, its pace has significantly increased in the last hundred years due to the burning of fossil fuels. As the human population has increased, so has the volume of fossil fuels burned. Earth has experienced climate change in the past without help from humanity. But the current climatic warming is occurring much more rapidly than past warming events.
1 Dragon leg raise. Sets 4 Reps 6 Rest 90sec. Lie on a decline or flat bench, holding the edge of it behind your head with both hands. ...
2 Six-second plank. Sets 3 Rest 30sec. ...
3 Cable crunch. Sets 4 Reps 12 Rest 90sec. ...
4 Pallof press. Sets 4 Reps 12 Rest 90sec.