Correlation is used to represent the linear relationship between two variables. On the contrary regression is used to fit the best line and estimate one variable on the basis of another variable, as opposed to regression reflects the impact of the unit change in the independent variable on the dependent variable.
#1 to get the information
#2 tells the what they need to know
#3 tells the people what they need to know
The correct answer is - option B. Whether the Twitter user provided #SorrySorrySorry (for the sincere condition), #SorryNotSorry (for the insincere condition), or #WhatsDoneIsDone (for the no apology condition).
An independent variable is a variable in any experiment is that leads to the changes to the dependent variable. The independent variables are subject to change to know what changes occur to the experiment.
The independent variables are stand-alone in specific conditions and would not change by the other variables the investigator tries to analyze. In this case, the Twitter user provided three different hashtags for three different conditions.
Answer: Variable-ratio
Variable ratio schedule is defined as reinforcement schedule in which a response is reinforced after uncertain or sudden number of responses.It has the ability to generate high rate of response system with unpredictable factor. Example of variable ration schedule can be gambling game etc.
According to the question,Steve is reinforced into variable ratio schedule as chances of getting reward is uncertain because reward is given for assignment after number of assignment passes without any reward by instructor.