Similarity: For transverse waves, the waves move in perpendicular direction to the source of vibration. For longitudinal waves, the waves move in parallel direction to the source of vibration . They are similar in the sense that energy is transferred in the form of waves.
Differences: In a longitudinal wave, the medium or the channel moves in the same direction with respect to the wave. In a transverse wave will the medium or the channel moves perpendicular to the direction of the wave. Here, the particles move up and down as the waves move horizontally.
Option B
Relating the body processes to human beings, we do not actively get involved in the same activities everyday, or virtually do we do the same things every time, every day. We are not a machine that has a set of written programs to carry out an operation or activities over and over again. But to human body, it composes of several joints that perform different activities in the body, some move in ball and socket form, while the other moves front and back, some with distinct movement, the interesting thing about these things is that they are done systematically over the course if the action or activity such as when engaging in sports, there are over bodily processes that are systematically done over the course of each day.
Answer: Classic Conditioning
In Classical conditioning, the conditioned stimulus was previously a neutral stimulus that eventually becomes to trigger a conditioned responses after becoming associated with the unconditioned stimulus.
Here is an illustration of classic conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus (food) is presented repeatedly just after the presentation of the neutral stimulus (bell). After conditioning, the neutral stimulus alone produces a conditioned response (salivation), thus becoming a conditioned stimulus. Explanation, from this illustration, one salivates whenever it sees food but before the present the food, a bell is rung. Overtime just ringing the bell makes the person to start salivating.
Mercantilism and barter are better described as historical economic systems, and in the past the governments and the kings/queens generally kept a closer control of the country, so let's not consider those options.
Now, we have: capitalism, communism, socialism.
Capitalism leaves the capital and the economic decisions in the hands of the private people, not the government. Socialism means a common possession of the means of production, but not by the govrenments, rather by the people, as is often seen as a milder form of communism.
Communism on the other hand is associated with authoritarian governments. Some example were the Soviet Union, and currently, North Korea and Cuba.