backup() {
read dirname;
if [[ whereis . /`$dirname` 2> sterr.exe]]
mkdir $dirname
for f in . / *.cpp
cp f "path_to_dirname"
echo "file backup complete"
backup( )
The bash script above is used to backup C++ source files in a directory to a backup directory which is created if it does not exist, and copy's each .cpp file to backup, then sends a message to declare its completion.
The answer is: c. Adding external CSS is a good practice for various reasons, including code organization.
External CSS improves maintainability in code.
Internal CSS has precedence over external CSS, it means that internal will overwrite external CSS, but abuse of internal CSS often makes hard to maintain HTML code on a large website.
Furthermore, it is much easier to modify one CSS(external) file that can impact multiple web pages than go into every HTML page and modify your styles per page. Many sites have hundred or more pages, go through each one wouldn't be productive.
Don’t drop it and charge it regularly
Try {
} catch (ProductionInProgressException e) {
There are pros and cons to using special characters in email subject lines. Generally, marketers report higher open rates.
Some report better engagement, but many don’t.
There are also reports of special characters causing problems with deliverability, mostly because spammers became very fond of special characters for a while.