Following are the statement is given below
if(updateDirection ==1) // check condition
++numUsers; // increments the value
--numUsers; // decrement the value
Following are the description of statement
- Check the condition in the if block .If the "updateDirection" variable is 1 then then control moves to the if block otherwise control moves to the else block statement.
- In the if block the statement is "++numUsers" it means it increment the value by 1 .
- In the else block the statement is "--numUsers" it means it decrement the value by 1 .
The detail answer of this question is given in explanation section.
The simple answer is option B
Let took at each option:
A) an html tag
An html tag is used to start and end html document. It does not have anything to do with rendering.
B) a doctype declaration
The document type declaration is necessary because it tell the browser which version of html should be rendered.
C)Body tag tell the browser. it is the visible area of website.
D) A hear tag is used to clear meta data about website.
Quality Of Service
Technology that manages data traffic to reduce packet loss, latency and jitter on the network. QoS controls and manages network resources by setting priorities for specific types of data on the network.