Monomers make up polymers
polymers make up macromolecules
sepals protect inner floral leaves in bud stage of the flower, carry out photosynthesis, attract animal pollinators when petaloid (have same color with petals eg in pride of barbados)
work together to carry out a life function
Red allele frequency will be highest in population II
Population III can undergo bottleneck effect
The frequency of the brown allele will least likely be altered in the population I
Population I -
Total population - 
Brown birds - 
Red birds - 
Population II
Total population - 
Brown birds - 
Red birds - 
Population III
Total population - 
Brown birds - 
Red birds - 
Frequency of red birds in population I

Frequency of red birds in population II

Frequency of red birds in population III

Red allele frequency will be highest in population II and it will be equal to
as compared to
in case of population I and III
Population III can undergo bottleneck effect because of smaller population size
The frequency of the brown allele will least likely be altered in the population that has highest brown individual , i.e population I
I'd say its true due to the fact Lichens are very sensitive to pollutants in general.