Using radio waves, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology can identify individuals or things.
<h3>What is Radio Frequency Identification?</h3>
Using radio waves, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology can identify individuals or things. It is possible to read data from a wireless device or "tag" from a distance without making physical contact or needing a clear line of sight using certain devices.
Since the 1970s, various forms of RFID technology have been made commercially available. Car keys, employee identification, medical billing and history, toll road tags, and security access cards all contain it today and are now a common part of our daily lives.
The proximity and vicinity types of RFID technology are both used by the US government for border management:
Documents with proximity RFID capability can be securely and precisely read by authorized readers up to 20 to 30 feet away.
Documents with proximity RFID capability can only be read from a few inches away and must be scanned close to an authorized reader.
Only a number pointing to the data kept in secure databases is stored on the RFID card instead of any personal information.
Note that endl must be free of quotation marks; otherwise, the program will treat it as a string.. The \n Character. The other way to break a line in C++ is to use the newline character
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