Both desktop and laptop computers employ CISC (complex instruction set computer) CPUs. Small programs are on CISC machines. It requires a lot of time to execute because it contains a great deal of compound instructions.
<h3>What do you mean by CISC?</h3>
Both desktop and laptop computers employ CISC (complex instruction set computer) CPUs. More complex instructions can be processed by this kind of CPU. For instance, a single instruction might load two values, add them, and then store the outcome back in memory.
A computer that, in contrast to a computer with a limited instruction set, allows individual instructions to perform numerous processes and need a large number of cycles to complete (RISC).
Small programs are on CISC machines. It requires a lot of time to execute because it contains a great deal of compound instructions. In this case, a single set of instructions is safeguarded in stages; each instruction set contains more than 300 distinct instructions. On average, instructions take two to ten machine cycles to complete.
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