A hyperlink is a link that can direct a person to another website when clicked. So the answer would click on the link to go directly to a website. To insert an image or sound you would use something else. And a hyperlink doesn't restrict a person to just the publisher information. I hope this helps!
The following program creates a function called region_Matches that takes in two strings as arguments as well as an int for starting point and an int for amount of characters to compare. Then it compares those characters in each of the words. If they match (ignoring case) then the function outputs True, else it ouputs False. The test cases compare the words "moving" and "loving", the first test case compares the words starting at point 0 which outputs false because m and l are different. Test case 2 ouputs True since it starts at point 1 which is o and o.
class Brainly {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String word1 = "moving";
String word2 = "loving";
boolean result = region_Matches(word1, word2, 0, 4);
boolean result2 = region_Matches(word1, word2, 1, 4);
public static boolean region_Matches(String word1, String word2, int start, int numberOfChars) {
boolean same = true;
for (int x = 0; x < numberOfChars; x++) {
if (Character.toLowerCase(word1.charAt(start + x)) == Character.toLowerCase(word2.charAt(start + x))) {
} else {
same = false;
return same;
Answer: Hyperpersonal communication
In this type of communication we have inter personnel communication mediated through computers such that there is more scope for textual messages than face to face communication.