D. Adult Judge
A survey conducted by the American Youth Policy Forum(AYPF) in 2004 revealed that Youth courts used an estimate of;
1. 40% of the adult judge model
2. 26% of the peer jury model
2. 17% of the youth judge model
3. 9% of a combination of models
4. 8% of the youth tribunal
We can thus infer that most teen courts use the adult judge as the decision maker.
When juveniles commit offences their cases can be held in a court presided over by peers who are in the same age bracket with them. A youth judge presides over the case most times. A panel or jury made up of other youth judges sometimes numbering up to six deliberate over the matter and make a decision that would be announced to the court. Restorative justice is applied most of the time.
The sentencing administered by the teen court might include sending the offender to a rehabilitation center so that the main factor that caused his or her misbehavior can be corrected.
D. Everyone deserves health care even if he or she can't afford to pay for it.
I'm actually under Medicaid myself. It is there to help everyone young old rich poor it is there for the people to help them with getting medical care without the big price tag of the average vists.
The thread used against Sabine comes under Debt Trafficking.
Debt Trafficking:
When the human traffickers perform illicit relocation of the women saying them to pay off their debt after starting working at new location in some honorable business, But on their relocation, they force them into the prostitution business to pay their unlawful debt.
Debt Bondage:
It is debt which some labor contractor pays to some person and in return the person willingly delivers his services to pay his debt to the contractor
Debt Peonage:
It is the debt which first person pays to the second person and if the second person remains unsuccessful in paying his debt, the first person forces the second person to work for him at some minimal wage rate. In this way the second person becomes the victim of debt peonage.
After understanding the aforementioned concepts of three different types of debts, we conclude that the thread used against Sabine comes under Debt Trafficking.
can u plz type in english ?..............