Answer: The building blocks of proteins are amino acids, which are small organic molecules that consist of carbon atoms linked to an amino group, a carboxyl group, a hydrogen atom, and a variable component called a side chain.
Los componentes básicos de las proteínas son los aminoácidos, que son pequeñas moléculas orgánicas que consisten en átomos de carbono unidos a un grupo amino, un grupo carboxilo, un átomo de hidrógeno y un componente variable llamado cadena lateral.
Zygomatic Process occurs on temporal bone.
Cheek bone is formed by the zygomatic process. Zygomatic process occurs anteriorly in front of mandibular fossa and posteriorly by external acoustic measles muscle.
Temporal bone is involved in the zygomatic process. The temporal bone extends towards the sides of the skull and lies over the opening of ear. The jugal point is present on the upper side of zygomatic arch.
There are 6 elements that are the most important. The acronym, CHNOPS, is an easy way to remember these.
C - Carbon
H - Hydrogen
N - Nitrogen
O - Oxygen
P - Phosphorous
S - Sulfur
where is the picture or what is it talking about?