John Wycliffe - He contradicted all forms of riches among clergy. He had disdain for ministers, and he believed that all devout specialist sprang from the Book of scriptures.
Jan Hus - He was irritated by its impedances with common politics.
Desiderius Erasmus - He made a complaint of the deal of Liberalities.
Martin Luther - That the pope was the main mediatopr of God’s will rather than the book of scriptures, and that he nailed to the entryway of the Wittenberg church; the act that begun the Reformation.
Please correct any mistakes in my answer!! I'd be happy to fix it!! :)
famine, or extreme religious activity.
Sure! the question is are you good with math? math is currently giving me loads of trouble
And are you good with song lyrics?
This will NOT determine if i want to be your friend or not! promise!
federal is central, parliament can be either, but confederacy states that the states involved are fully separate but in union, do the answer is confederacy
The Union Army took a series of military actions during the Civil War in which their troops took control of the Mississippi River. Mississippi was the main north-south avenue of transport. In July 1863, the western part of the Confederate states was split from the states east of the Mississippi River. Plan of the Union Army generals was to defeat the Confederacy through blockade of ports and control of rivers. Answer: Union forces took control of Mississippi River because they wanted to cut off the eastern part of Confederacy and to control the supply lines.