During the Middle ages, many "barbaric" nations have constantly attacked the Roman Empire, they spit into the West Roman Empire and the more wealthy Byzantines aka the East Romans. The West Roman Empire began to dissolve smaller because their army couldn't handle the constant attacks on them so they finally disappeared in 476 B.C.The Byzantines began to stretch even more until 1453 A.D. Just then After the fall of the Byzantines, a new Order of Romans came about called, The Holy Roman Empire sprouted up in Central Europe and they lasted until 1805 A.D. (I know this is more than the Middle Ages)
D. natural gas
good luck :)
Japanese American internment happened during World War II when the United States government forced about 110,000 Japanese Americans to leave their homes and live in internment camps. These were like prisons. ... On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and declared war on the United States.
Japanese Americans died in the camps due to inadequate medical care and the emotional stresses they encountered. Several were killed by military guards posted for allegedly resisting orders.
nexpensive foods such as wieners, dried fish, pancakes, macaroni and pickled vegetables were served often. Vegetables, which had been an important part of the Japanese Americans' diet on the West Coast, were replaced in camp with starches.
Ganadería industrial:
1. Se suele hacer en espacios cerrados donde los animales viven en condiciones casi que de hacinamiento con el fin de hacer más eficiente el uso del recurso físico.
2. Los animales suelen ser alimentados con concentrados específicos que tienen el efecto de estimular el crecimiento muscular y de engorde tan rápido como sea posible.
3. La producción de carne o lácteos está orientada a la gran industria, y se lleva a cabo en grandes volúmenes.
Ganadería artesanal:
1. Los animales están en espacio abierto, tanto en pequeñas fincas (minifundios), como grandes pastos (latifundios de ganadería extensiva).
2. Los animales son alimentados de forma natural, principalmente de pasto.
3. La producción suele ser a menor escala, y en muchas ocasiones, con el fin de contribuir a la manutención del pequeño ganadero y su familia.
In general today, women politically participate less than men if they are married, but more if they are not