<span>If your computer has a rootkit, someone else can gain access to it undetected.
</span>The term rootkit denotes a set of software tools <span>typically malicious.
The purpose of this software is to enable access to a computer or areas of its software that is not otherwise allowed.
</span><span>It is one of the most difficult types of malware to find and remove.</span>
<span>subnet mask is used to identify the network portion and the host portion of an ip address.</span>
hey let me and sans help. . . . .hmmm. . .
sans said create a word-processing document that lists where she has saved files.
Option 4 is correct ,=(B2+C9)
In excel a formula starts with an equal sign followed by the expression.
In first option the formula is incorrect inside the brackets. where 4 is equating to bracket. In 2nd option opening and closing brackets are not same. First closing bracket is missing an opening bracket. In third option all the formula is correct except the part where # is used in formula. Hash tags cannot be used in formula as a value. Here in option D B2 and C9 are cell in excel, whereas parentheses are only used for better readability.
The Security Account Manager
The Security Account Manager (SAM), This is a database file found in Windows Operating Systems.... Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 that stores users' passwords. It can be used to authenticate local and remote users. It is an important and vital component of how Windows stores passwords locally on the computer.