Specifications are the technical details about each hardware component
Answer: No, you will not have to determine the exact vaccine that caused the fever and rash. The CDC will determine that information.
To report a vaccine reaction to VAERS you just have to list the symptoms and reactions that were caused after getting a vaccine. The form that is needed to fill out a VAERs can be found on the CDC website. The person filling out the form will need to know the who, when, where, and how of the injury or symptom.
After the form has been received the patient will be contacted and their symptoms will be monitored. Some of the most common reactions after getting a vaccine are;
For the first one you have not met those requirements because you are still 16, for the second one you have met those requirements because you can either have a score over 30 (which you have 34) or be a valedictorian
Bro no one is going to help you write a two page report do it yourself are you that lazy?
3. the company that installed the network card into the computer's motherboard