A $38,000- Germany: B $50,000- Finland: C $0 , America
GDP represents the total value of all the goods and services produced within the country. The expenditure method is one of the methods that economist use in calculating the value of GDP. Expenditure refers to spending. In measuring the GDP, the expenditure method takes account of expenditure on all the output of a country. Economists add up the values of finals goods and services produced within the borders of a country and multiply them by their prices. The result is the nominal GDP.
The formula for calculating GDP is as follows
GDP equals consumer spending on goods and services plus investor spending on business capital goods plus government spending on public goods and services plus net exports
In Germany, GDP will increase by $38,000. It is the value of the car produced in Germany. In the formula, it is part of the net exports for the country.
In Finland, the GDP will increase by $50,000. It is the value of services offered by the American while working in Finland. In Calculating GDP, all output within the country is considered regardless of the person who produced it.
In the USA, the GDP will increase by 0$. The car was bought in the US, but it was an import. The expenditure formula does not consider imports. The amount of $50,000 was not earned within the borders of the US.
b. application form
Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said that they most likely have these individuals fill out an application form. Like mentioned in the question this is the first step in the pre-screening process in which individuals fill out a form that has all of their basic information, including skills, previous work experience, age, name, id number etc. All information that the employer may need to evaluate their potential for the job that they are hiring for.
A. Additivity
Additivity simply means that the values of an objective function and total resources used can be found by adding all the contributions made by the objective functions and the decision variables of all resources used. That is, it assumes that the overall of an objective function is found by adding the contribution of each objective function to the overall. In additivity, interaction between variables doesnt exist.
Option C Cash Flow Prospects.
The cash flow prospect shows that lending the firm money will increase its performance or not and also that the company is generating enough cash flows that it will be paying returns and principle amount on time. If the cash flwo prospect shows that the company will not be delivering value because it is already struggling with its cash flows issues. Then the money lender will not be interested in paying the company because the company might not pay back the returns and the principle amount.