1. eggs
3.when a sperm egg enters a female egg
4. 1st 2nd and 3rd trimesters
5. birth time
6. pregnancy pills
7. by one person have an STD and then pass it to the other through sex
8. to determine the sex of the baby, to impregnate a female,
9. to get impregnated, to have periods, and to birth a child
10. no because they are both very dangerous
11. being in love still and not having a controlling significant other
12. fighting, getting hurt by your significant other or not loving them anymore
13. keep them happy and act lime they are your best friends
14. don’t talk to them or yell at them
15. when you don’t have vaginal sex or if you have outercourse
i realllly hope this helps!!!!
DMD) is a genetic disorder characterized by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness due to the alterations of a protein called dystrophin that helps keep muscle cells intact. Healthy muscles let you move freely and keep your body strong. Healthy muscles let you move freely and keep your body strong.
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Birth Rate
Now, this might seem very obvious to you, but when babies are born, it results in a population change! Social scientists who study this trend have some key terms, though. First, the fertility rate in a country refers simply to the number of children born. This is different from the fecundity rate, which is the number of children who could be born in a given society. In other words, fecundity is the biological capacity of humans to produce children.
Death Rate
Just as when babies are born, when members of a society die it changes the population. This might be a bit morbid to think about, but scientists refer to this as the mortality rate, which is simply the number of deaths that occur in a society. This is usually calculated by looking at the number of deaths per 1,000 individuals. In the United States, for example, the death rate is 8/1000 people. Just like birth rate, the death rate in a country depends on things such as availability of quality medical care, disease, war, or famine.
Migration Rate
One important factor that accounts for a change in population is migration. At the broadest level, migration refers to movement; it's the flow or circulation of people in societies. There are two kinds of migration: emigration and immigration. Emigration means to leave one's own country for another. Immigration means to enter into a country other than one's own.