5.9160797831 is the square root of 35
1/5 is the value but all you do is take the first number which would be your numerator and add both the first and last number together to get your denominator
x is less than or equal to negative 14.
Step-by-step explanation:
so for now we should pretend that the greater than or equal to is an equal sign, and simplify the problem to get x alone on a side
remove 5 from each side
multiply both sides by 3
so we can now replace the equal sign with the equal or greater to, so x is less than or equal to -14
Step-by-step explanation:
It says she spent $7.53 at the store and she bought (SOME) cereal for $3.67
so we have to find how much the 6 peaches cost. To find it out we are going to have to subtract the cereal she bought from $3.67 and the money she wasted total so its going to be D.
Ew, mental math... so basically, we would estimate the washing dishes to 20 minutes, and cleaning 40 min,
together 20+40 min
is 60 minutes, aprox 1 hour
Shelly spent almost 1 hour cleaning