Como pueblo se denomina al conjunto de personas de un lugar, región o país. Desde un punto de vista político, el pueblo son las personas que forman parte del Estado, sin ningún tipo de distinciones de raza, género, religión, nivel económico o social. La palabra, como tal, proviene del latín popŭlus.
Fishing industry are all process which involve extraction of fishes and other aquatic animals and processing them for final consumption. The fishing industry is well developed in Norway and it takes place in north sea. Norway is leading country in fishing sector in Europe. Fishing is done in the sea because fish farming inland is difficulty due to harsh climate. The species commonly fished are cod and herring.
I hope this helps.
By killing or overthrowing old emperors
My apologies, I couldn't think of one on the top of my head but I found this funny meme.
- Repetition
As per the situation, James may develop his faith in the myth that 'eating spicy food items will provoke ulcers' <u>due to the constant repetition of the same idea from his family, as well as, friends</u>. Researches display that <u>repetition of a similar idea over and again promotes people to believe it as compared to believing something fresh or unrepeated</u>. They call it 'Illusory truth effect' in which the repeated information processes quickly and easily in the recipient's mind and this is why they believe it to be true. The same is the thing with James who is constantly being told to avoid spicy food in order to not aggravate his proneness to ulcers and hence, he might take this myth as the truth.