Licensing is a contractual entry mode that allows a foreign company to operate via home company’s strategies, technology, patents and trademarks to produce the home company’s product under specific terms and for specific period of time. Licensing also allows a company physical operations in a new region without having to construct manufacture facilities from the scratch.
of Educ., 526 U.S. 629 (1999). To be actionable, the school must either have caused the harassment or made students vulnerable to it. ... Finally, a school remains deliberately indifferent to the harassment where its response was clearly unreasonable in light of the known circumstances.
Learned bout it in school because a student was mad and wanted to press charges about something and this was brought up
d. consciously; episodic memory
Episodic memory: In psychology, the term "episodic memory" is described as one of the categories of an individual's long-term memory that generally encompasses the "recollection" of particular experiences, events, and situations.
Example: First kiss, marriage anniversary, birthday party, etc.
In the given context, the given statement exemplifies Connie is consciously activating her episodic memory. The term "consciously signifies that she is deliberately trying to recall her episodic memory related to the keys.
Rich black soil also referred to as “The gift of the nile” they also believed the river flooded from the tears of the goddess Iris as she cried over the death of her husband Osiris.
The system seeks to match pay to an employee's performance on the job I.e. how competently an employee is able to carry out their duties over a specific period. It's designed to enhance motivation. However. objectivity in appraisal poses a challenge.