Phenotype is physical appearance of the individual while genotype is the genetic makeup of the individual.
Two parents having normal phenotype but effected individual is due to the parents may be Carrier for the particular deseis and the gene responsible for the desies may be in recessive form and the parents are not effected. The gene is not present in dominant form and can not show its effect but the parents are not effected and the daughter may be affected by certain desiese.
In humans, there is a readiness to perceive ourselves on priority and favorably. This is one of the reasons that helps in increasing the remembering memories of events that are favorable to the individual which results in benefits, it is known as self-serving bias.
Self-esteem is something that helps in knowing the self-worth and the importance of happiness of one's own. Being aware of environmental control result in achieving better in life and experienced less stress. The potential use of the capabilities of individuals results in increasing awareness about what is the purpose of the life of an individual.
92 molecules
DNA or Deoxyribosenucleic acid is polynucleotide made up of several nucleotides containing the genetic information of an organism. In the nucleus of each cell, the DNA molecule is packaged into thread-like structures called chromosomes. Each chromosome is made up of DNA, tightly coiled many times around proteins called histones to support its stucture.
Human cells, like myself, contains 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 chromosomes in total). Each pair coming from each parent. Each chromosome is formed by two strands of DNA held together by hydrogen bonds forming the DNA double-helical structure. These two DNA strands form a base pair, which is a unit of two nucleotide bases bound to each other by hydrogen bonds. According to the complementary base pairing rule, Adenine (A) pairs with Thymine (T) while Guanine pairs with Cytosine (C).
Since there are 46 chromosomes in a diploid human cell and each chromosome consists of 2 DNA strands, then, there are 46 × 2 = 92 strands/molecules of DNA in each human diploid cell.
A=T is the answer ..............