modified broad match.
A Search engine is an internet resource or service that searches for keywords or categories specified by the end user and then displays (shows) a list of website which matches or have informations similar to the query. Some examples of popular search engines are Goo-gle, Bing, Yahoo, etc.
At the retrieving stage of a web search, the search engine queries its database using a retrieval algorithm to extract the necessary and related terms to the search. After obtaining the search terms, the stored web addresses that are related to the search is then displayed.
There are different types of matching techniques used in configuring a search engine and these includes;
I. Exact match.
II. Phrase match.
III. Broad match.
IV. Modified broad match
When a modified broad match is used, the search engine shows adverts that have the keyword typed exactly as the searcher used, but may also include other words within the search term.
Hence, the name modified because it avail users other options by including other words within the search.
1. Parallel Execution
3. Hope that a company calls you and offers you a position
4. Intranet
5. Percent
true. mots technology was found be accident
strcmp() is a built-in library function and is declared in <string. h> header file. This function takes two strings as arguments and compare these two strings lexicographically.
Hope it helps
Indirect quotations can add information that strengthens your content in many of the same ways as direct quotations so. Essentially, indirect quotes carry the meaning of a speaker or writer's original words without using the exact words.