My successes were swimming 20 laps, getting B’s in Music/Art, dancing for 33 minutes, not getting the virus, staying at home, getting a B for my speech and completing homework at home. My challenges we’re swimming regularly, not understanding what the hard questions were, D’s for Geography/Science, exams with low grades, getting in shape and at school I get bullied.
My scheduling changes are going to overcome my challenges because when I swim/dance/exercise a lot I get fitter/stronger, reading the question properly/getting help will help me understand the question better, asking my teachers on what to do so I can do better for Geography/Science, study more on my exams, overcome getting bullied by telling the teacher/thinking a way to fix the problem: find friends to defeat your enemies/ tell your bullies to stop.
To give students the answers they need to succeed.
C High
On the label, it says that there is 12g of saturated fat and it says it is 60% of the daily recommended value for that kind of fats. This is a high amount of saturated fat. Saturated fats should be looked at when we are starting a new diet or maintaining a current one. It is important to monitor this type of fat.
All foods made from seafood; meat, poultry, and eggs; beans, peas, and lentils; and nuts, seeds, and soy products are part of the Protein Foods Group.