Go ahead and put this in you own words and your own essay, I hope you do good :)
1. Distracted Driving
pay attention to the road while you are driving. That means no calls, no texting, no eating, no reading, no grooming or application of makeup, and talking while behind the wheel.
2. Drunk Driving
If you have had anything to drink, take a taxi or give your keys to a sober friend. It is not worth the risk.
3. Speeding
Although it can be tempting to push the speed limit when you are running late, speeding is the second most common cause of accidents, so you should resist the urge and stay within the legal limits.
4. Reckless Driving
Changing lanes too quickly, speeding well over the limit, and acting aggressive on the roads can lead to horrible accidents. It is important to take your time and remain calm while driving to avoid needless accidents caused by simple carelessness.
Essay are not written in passive voice.
Essay consists main three parts: introduction,body and conclusion. Following this format will help you write and organized and essay.