G E Howard save that History is past Sociology, Sociology is present History. Radcliffe brown said that Sociology is nomothetic while Hstory is ideographic
1681 William Penn received a land grant from King Charles II, and used it to form a colony that would provide a safe haven for Quakers.
Conflict is a clash between two opposing forces that creates the narrative thread for a story. Conflict occurs when the main character struggles with either an external conflict or an internal conflict.
In an era prior to the safe roads, all the people used the rivers to transport their goods, since it was much faster and safer than going in carabanas by the desertic roads, and full of bandits; In addition, the country's rivers, such as the Mississippi, the Ohio, the Missouri River, and Illinois, were used as a means of transportation and also to link to man-made canals, such as a waterway, by which farmers in Louisiana and many states found this form of transportation very useful and became so popular that large channels were formed that united important cities such as the Eirie Channel connecting New York to the Atlantic market.
Answer: C.In a federal system there is centralized authority, while in a confederal system power is distributed equally among the states.
In a federal system, power is shared by a powerful central government and the state or local governments. States or provinces are given considerable autonomy, usually through their own legislatures, while in a confederation, power is shared by an alliance of independent states, distributed equally among the states. They voluntarily work together for some common purpose and agree to certain limits on their freedom of action. They might sign a treaty or a constitution under which the states agree to defend each other, trade with each other, use a common currency, etc. Membership is usually voluntary & a state can decide to leave at any time.