The company's cost of equity is
% of retained earnings according to the capm.
The cost of equity for a corporation is the amount that the market is willing to pay to own an asset and take on ownership risk. The two common methods for determining the cost of equity are the capital asset pricing model and dividend capitalization model. On the right side of the balance sheet, you can see a list of the company's debt and equity accounts. The cost of capital refers to the price a business must pay to finance its operations through debt, equity, or a mix of the two.
b =
rs = rRF + b(RPM), and rRF + b(RPM) =
% were lent to us.
Learn more about cost of equity here
Answer: d. have customers who operate in many different parts of the country
Explanation: When checks are to be collected from customers of a business that are spread over a wide geographical area, a lockbox plan is employed in order to speed up the collection of checks. It involves the customers dropping their checks in the lock boxes rather than mailing it to the business thus, the use of lockboxes help reduce mail float.
The trend this business is following is necessities, since those are things we need.
The opportunity cost of 1 desktop computer is 1/2 of a laptop. The opportunity cost is the amount of time and money spent learning value that could have been used elsewhere.
A farmer decides to plant wheat; the opportunity cost is the value of planting a different crop or using the resources in another way (land and farm equipment). Instead of driving to work, a commuter takes the train.
When considering multiple investments or business avenues, opportunity cost is the potential gain lost by choosing a different course of action. The value of what you lose when you choose between two or more alternatives is known as opportunity cost.
To learn more about opportunity cost, click here.
D) The actions the Federal Reserve takes to manage the money supply and interest rates.
The Federal Reserve System (FED) is an autonomous government entity of the United States of America that functions like a central bank. Its main responsibilities are to manage the nation's money supply (the total amount of money in the economy) and establish federal interest rates (interest yielded by T-bills, T-notes and T-bonds).