Medullary sinuses contain histiocytes (immobile macrophages) and reticular cells. A lymph node contains lymphoid tissue, i.e., a meshwork or fibers called reticulum with white blood cells enmeshed in it. The regions where there are few cells within the meshwork are known as lymph sinus.
Get in an air conditioned building and get him water.
The man could have a heat stroke, and is probably experiencing some form of heat exaustion. Meaning they well need to cool off and rehydrate. If they are really in pain, tell them to go home and rest for awhile.
•Top 10 First Aid Kit Items
•Gloves/Eye Protection.
•CPR Pocket Mask.
•Roller Gauze.
•4×4 Gauze Pads.
•Medical Tape.
•Two Triangular Bandages.
•Sam Splint.
arteriostenosis= cardiovascular system
oophoropexy= reproductive system
thyromegaly= lymphatic system
arthrostenosis= skeletal system
If there's one answer, it's definitely self control