Positive mindset
always moving around
communicating with people
A) the serving team with a score of 40
<span>An open fracture is where the bone protrudes out
of the skin. This usually occurs in accidents where collisions cause a massive
blow to the body which then causes the bone to break and be displaced from
their original positions. This type of fracture needs immediate medical
assistance because this might cause a major blood loss to the body which might
result to other complications (e.g. infections, further displacements). <span>
<span>Once an
open fracture occurs, a person is suggested to stay in his exact position and
not be moved until medical assistance arrives. Open fractures often require
major surgeries and they usually take a longer time to recover than hairline
fractures because a protrusion to the skin is evident.</span></span></span>
<em>negative</em><em> </em>
because the smells was not good
B. because if there’s something wrong with the muscles and strength that can come from heart health and lead up to more problems