Stock Price in 5 years: $97.94. Stock Price Today: $55.575
A pay-out ratio is computed by dividing dividends per share over earnings per share. Meanwhile, PE or Price-Earnings Ratio is computed by dividing the market value of stocks over earnings per share. Thus, using the pay-out ratio formula, the earnings per share is 2.925 ($1.17/40%) and using the PE ratio formula, the market price of stocks today is $55.575 (19 x 2.925). After 5 years, multiplying 1.17 and 12% rate raised to the 5th power, the dividend will amount to $5.1548. Using pay-out ratio, earnings per share is 5.1548 ($2.0619/40%) and the market price of stock after 5 years is $97.94 ($5.1548 x 19).
Answer: $425,000
Explanation: The total overhead cost can be computed suing following formula :-
total overhead cost = fixed overhead cost + variable overhead cost
fixed overhead cost = $90,000

so,putting the values into equation we get :-
total overhead cost = $90,000 + $335,000
= $425,000
The marketing mix refers to the actions a company takes to market its product(s) and/or service(s). Typically, it acts as a framework for breaking down the four key components of marketing — product, price, place, and promotion.
James operates a restaurant in a seaside tourist town. It is winter and all the tourists have left
Rex invests in new computer software that will automate his bookkeeping.
In winter, the patronage at James' resturant would drop because tourists would have left. Because demand at the resturant has dropped, James would reduce his demand for Labour which are his staffs. He would let some staffs go temporarily to reduce costs .
If Rex invests in a software that automates his book keeping, he wouldn't need an accountant to help with his book keeping, so demand for labour would fall.
After Katie's competition closes down, more people would patronise Katie. Katie's demand for Labour would increase because of the influx of customers.
Amy would need labour to obtain wood; her demand for Labour would increase.
If school is just resuming, there would be a high influx of people into the bookstore, the bookstore would increase its demand for Labour because of the high influx of customers .
I hope my answer helps you.
You will do 500 divide by 50 that will get you 10. that means quantive production scheduling means they will have less.