domesticated animals were used to haul food over long distances
Sabbath is the seventh and sacred day of the week according to Hebrew and Shemitah tradition. That day was reserved for rest and worship only. The fact that agricultural societies -such as ancient Egypt- had adopted this kind of tradition was beneficial to remove the lordship and rule of man over the slaves.
Fostering a democratic and free society.
Civic Virtue is a standard or morality behavior that related to the citizen's collaboration in society. George Washington had become a well-known person in U.S. history. Since he was the 1st president of America and one of the members in founding fathers of the U.S.
He might have struggled in running the nation as the president because the following presidents will consider him as a role model. But his character of civic virtue formed a strong constitutional nation. His civic nature resulted in building a democratic and free society.
Yes. They wanted to declare their rights against the King because they were being treated unfairly.