The flashing yellow light indicates that people should be aware of other cars and turn carefully. To be more safe, you should slightly slow down, make sure all signals that should be on are on, and you should drive very carefully.
(B. Hardware), Hardware is physical components, Software are the programs in the computer.
The program is
num = int(input("Enter Numerator "))
den = int(input("Enter Denominator "))
print("quotient is ",str(num//den)," remainder is ", str(num%den))
How to create a division sign in HTML?</h3>
To create a division sign ( ÷ ) in HTML you can use any of the following codes.
How to divide in computer programming?</h3>
Perl code
use strict;
my $first = 15;
my $second = 5;
my $answer = $first / $second;
print "You get $answer if you divide $first by $second";
When the script above is run, it displays "You get 3 if you divide 15 by 5" on the screen.
To learn more about programming, refer