Circulatory- INCLUDES: Heart, blood vessels, blood lymph nodes and vessels, lymph FUNCTIONS: Transports nutrients, wastes, hormones, and gases
Digestive- INCLUDES: Mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, and small and large intestines. FUNCTIONS: Extracts and absorbs nutrients from food; removes wastes; maintains water and chemical balances.
Endocrine- INCLUDES: Hypothalamus, pituitary, pancreas, and many other endocrine glands. FUNCTIONS: Regulates body temperature, metabolism, development, and reproduction; maintains homeostasis; regulates concentration of body fluids.
Excretory- INCLUDES: Kidneys, urinary bladder, ureters, urethra, skin, lungs FUNCTIONS: Removes wastes from blood; regulates conccentration of body fluids.
Immune- INCLUDES: White blood cells, lymph nodes and vessels, skin. FUNCTIONS: Defends against pathogens and disease.
Integumentary - INCLUDES: Skin, nails, hair FUNCTIONS: Protects against injury, infection, and fluid loss; helps regulate body temperature.
Muscular- INCLUDES: Skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle tissues. FUNCTIONS: Moves limbs and trunk; moves substances through body; provides structure and support.
Nervous- INCLUDES: Brain, spinal cord, nerves, sense organs. FUNCTIONS: Regulates behavior; maintains homeostasis; regulates other organ systems; controls sensory and motor fuctions.
Repertory- INCLUDES: Lungs, nose, mouth, trachea. FUNCTIONS: Moves air into and out of lungs; controls gas exchange between blood and lungs.
Skeletal- INCLUDES: Bones and joints. FUNCTIONS: Protects and supports the body and organs; interacts with skeletal muscles, producs red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets
Doctor Who official maker and lead author Steven Moffat stated: "Osgood is back, straight from her ongoing homicide toward the finish of last arrangement. "We as of late affirmed that Osgood was unquestionably dead and not returning - yet in a show about time travel, anything can occur.